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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Built for Destruction?... OR NOT?

After clicking on the link click on the fiery cross image 

Some people may think I am a little strange, awkward, and maybe a little out there for wanting to write about the Ku Klux Klan, and actually getting enjoyment out of it. I tell all those people, I really could care less about what they may think.  I have a chance to learn about my history and all the various decisions from different groups that made the world what it is today, despite their creed, race, or financial standings. The Ku Klux Klan or what people may refer to as the KKK was also part of the United States history, and a very interesting group of people who had their own beliefs. As bad as they may have been portrayed they did contribute something. I believe that it is my job to my country and to my-self to uncover the negative and positive truth about the KKK and allow people to see who they really are.
            The KKK or invisible empire (Streitmatter pg. 103) originated on values and belief. I mean sure to many who opposed them they might have been messed up but to others these “Klansmen” spoke up for people with lesser power. Originally starting on December 14, 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by six young ex- confederate officers, who were looking for something to occupy their time, they started a club (,9171,898581,00.html . Little did they know this club would erupt to what it is today.
For centuries they based their beliefs on opposing the Restruction policies of the radical Republican Congress, and maintaining “white supremacy (”  It seemed that government and society was designed to keep the black man down. This is said because for years the southern government barely stood on its own and instead of welcoming blacks to speak up the people in the south looked at this as a crime. They decided to form groups that repressed the black community and the Ku Klux Klan was the best known of these groups. The KKK wanted to be known as a Christian organization. One may ask themselves while studies the Klan is this what Jesus would do? The first Klan lasted until the late 1870’s.
The second Klan was then started up in 1915 near Atlanta by William Joseph Simmons. He led men to believe in a sense of Fraternity and brotherhood.  This was after seeing “birth of a nation”.  This Klan went nationwide and became a very powerful empire taking over the political scene. They elected one of their own to the U.S Senate held their own primaries in Arkansas, Held their own governorship in Oregon, and selected senators and governors for the state of Colorado and Indiana (Streitmatter). They were however stopped because of their violence, un-agreeable politics, and leadership qualities. Although opposed by various regions in the U.S., such as the eastern region for example, and more particularly NY; this Klan showed the United States that it does not take much for a secret society to form and prosper. Therefore, this klan has made a way for the Third KKK and klans of today.
Since they have started the KKK has opposed anyone of racial difference, which makes me surprised that black people really would befriend people who are in the KKK or would want a role in it. The media has not made this an easy task for those people either.
The Media like the Memphis major newspaper, the "Commercial Appeal" or even the CNN news cast up above shapes our mindset about the KKK. So far we are made to believe that this group of men are a violent behaving hate group, who would be nothing but happy if everyone stayed in their corners and played their role. We however as a society are too dumb and scared to challenge and disagree with what is just simply accepted. We think that being that Martin Luther King Jr. was a substantial leader that he cannot possibly be a bad person. The things the Klan says about him are not true at all. We also think that because we are taught that the Klan burned crosses, and hung blacks’ means that they are reckless and terrible, but we never say did they start out this way. We think in Black and White and are afraid to research what is considered to be the truth. This being said I question society, and our motives. I wonder as to why people do the things they do. Is this because our intrinsic need to belong and be accepted by our peers?
The Klan throughout history is known to be violent and has done some terrible things, but I challenge you to challenge yourself and society and find out the truth as to why? The KKK may not be many peoples “Fan Favorites” but they stood for something and followed through with their beliefs. The KKK, an underground society, a Hate club, but how much do you really know?
 Sites You Should Visit:
Is the KKK really about hate?

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